Family Info Logo

Safe Water

410 Buller St
Woodstock, ON
N4S 4N2
519-421-9901 ext 3520
iconPath Administration: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm





Zone(s) desservie(s)

Oxford County

Description des services:

Monitors community drinking water systems, public beaches, public pools and hot tubs and provides information on water quality testing and potential health effects

Beach Hotline - Provides up-to-date beach water quality information

Recreational water and public swimming pools and spas - Conducts weekly beach water samples for levels of bacterial contamination during July and August * Inspects public swimming pools and public spas to ensure they meet requirements

Small Drinking Water Systems - Public Health Inspectors conduct risk assessments of identified small drinking water systems that service public facilities

Private Well-Water Testing - Individuals can pick-up water testing kits and return for bacteriological lab analysis
Dernière mise à jour: Oct 16, 2024: Suggérer une modification