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SafeSpace London

679 Dundas St E
London, ON
N5W 2Z1
Bad date and check-in line: 519-701-SAFE (7233)
iconPath Mon-Tues: 6pm-9pm *Wed: 12noon-3pm * Thurs: 10:30am-1:30pm

Procédé et formulaires

Drop-in or email

Admissibilité / population desservie

Sex workers, allies, women and gender non-conforming people in crisis



Cadres supérieurs

Jenna Rose Sands - Director



Zone(s) desservie(s)



W_wheelchair.gif Accessible en fauteuil roulant

Description des services:

Support centre for and by sex workers, allies, women and gender non-conforming people in crisis * volunteer-run * provides harm reduction supplies, HIV and STI educational resources, cosmetics, clothes, hygienic goods, first aid, coffee, and tea * information about related services

Qui sommes-nous ?

SafeSpace is a volunteer run drop-in centre for and by sex workers, allies, women & non binary people in crisis. Our model is one of empowerment with the goal of meeting women & non binary people where they're at and helping sex workers operate with safety and with dignity. We foster a community that strives to raise the basic living conditions of its most vulnerable and exploited members.

Dernière mise à jour: Oct 20, 2023: Suggérer une modification