Family Info Logo

Geriatric Rehabilitation Inpatient Service

550 University Ave, South Wing, 7th Fl
Toronto, ON
M5G 2A2
416-597-3422 (for Geriatric Rehab: ext 4323 * for Geriatric Dialysis: ext 2504)
Call 911 in emergencies
Télécopie: 416-537-3752
iconPath Hours vary

Procédé et formulaires

Medical referral required

Admissibilité / population desservie

Non-dialysis patients: 65 years and older * hemodialysis patients: 60 years and older * must be able to direct activities and actively participate in at least two 30 minute therapy sessions per day * patient's anticipated discharge destination cannot be a long-term care home


Covered by OHIP



Zone(s) desservie(s)

Toronto and area


W_wheelchair.gif Accessible en fauteuil roulant

Note sur l'accessibilité

Wheelchair accessible building including main entrance and barrier free washrooms * tone elevator, lowered buttons * designated and street parking close to entrance

Description des services:

Hospital inpatient rehabilitation program to help older adults with medically complex conditions maintain their strength and movement * rehabilitation services available for patients who require hemodialysis
Dernière mise à jour: Jun 5, 2024: Suggérer une modification