Family Info Logo

Newcomers to Canada

431 Richmond St, 2nd Fl, Suite 200
London, ON
N6A 6E2
519-452-4430 ext 26501
Télécopie: 519-432-0033
iconPath Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm

Procédé et formulaires

Call, email, or drop-in

Admissibilité / population desservie

Internationally trained professional newcomers to Canada including Permanent Residents or Protected Persons * Adult residents of Ontario with or without a high school diploma



Cadres supérieurs

Lisa Schwerzmann - Associate Dean


Eve Ramirez - Client Intake Representative



Zone(s) desservie(s)

London and area


W_wheelchair.gif Accessible en fauteuil roulant

Description des services:

Continuing education programs for internationally trained professionals to help get Canadian credentials and experience

Occupation-specific Language Training (OSLT) - Workplace language training program designed specifically for the business, technology and health care sectors * program includes interacting effectively with supervisors, colleagues, and clients, written communication and comprehension, with a focus on occupation-specific terminology, workplace practices, cultural awareness, and searching for Canadian work experience * assists newcomers to develop language and communications skills to develop strong interviewing, networking, and job-search communication skills * 8 or12 week program

Certificate programs for Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) and Academic and Career Entrance (ACE) assist students to improve skills to achieve Grade 12 equivalency for admission to Ontario colleges, apprenticeship programs, and for consideration by employers * improve skills in:
  • literacy and basic skills
  • communications
  • mathematics
  • self-management/self-direction
  • computers
  • biology
  • chemistry
  • physics
Dernière mise à jour: Sep 26, 2023: Suggérer une modification