Family Info Logo

United Way Elgin-Middlesex

409 King St
London, ON
N6B 1S5
iconPath Mon-Thu 8:30am-4:30pm

Procédé et formulaires

Call or visit website



Cadres supérieurs

Kelly Ziegner - President and CEO


Jennifer Grand - Coordinator, Finance and Operations


English ; French

Notes sur la langue

Interpretation available upon request

Zone(s) desservie(s)

London, Elgin County, and Middlesex County


W_wheelchair.gif Accessible en fauteuil roulant

Description des services:

Raises and distributes funds to various community agencies through volunteer-based campaign and allocation process * consultation and assistance to human care services * leadership in community problem solving, service development and coordination, inter-agency networking and information sharing and research and identification of priority human care service needs

Vidéos :

Bringing #UNIGNORABLE issues into focus

Qui sommes-nous ?

The most important thing United Way can do for our community is to use our reputation, relationships and expertise to bring together our community’s resources of people, time, talent, relationships, expertise, technology, money and more. By channelling our community’s power behind solid strategies we can achieve lasting changes in the social conditions of individuals, families and our community.

Dernière mise à jour: Nov 26, 2023: Suggérer une modification