Referrals must be initiated by school personnel For services available within the Francophone boards, call SCIP 519-432-0881 ext 232 for more details
Admissibilité / population desservie
Elementary school children Grades 1 to 5 in Thames Valley District School Board, London District Catholic School Board, Providence, and Viamonde School Board
Margaret Zaczek - Clinical Team Leader Vanier Children's Mental Wellness 519-432-0881 ext 232 *
English ; French
Notes sur la langue
French language services within Francophone schools as we have one full-time Francophone consultant on staff
Zone(s) desservie(s)
Partiellement accessible
Description des services:
Early response to the mental health needs of elementary school children (Grades 1 to 5) who present with self-regulation or behavioural difficulties in the school/family/community setting * intervention for external behaviours (throwing, kicking, etc) and internalizing (crying, covert behaviour, etc)
Clinical intervention components offered:
initial mental health summary report
referral to existing community resources that may augment and/or better suit the child’s needs
"Warm Hand Off" practices (face-to-face transition of service and formal introductions) where helpful and available
referral to existing school-based programs for skill development and academic intervention or assessment
quick access to medical and mental health resources for diagnostic and treatment planning where appropriate
psycho-education surrounding interventions, strategies and skills with a focus on parent skill building * may include increasing social and behaviour competencies, enhancing peer relationships, self-regulation development and skill building, and supporting existing strengths
consultation on collaborative home or classroom strategies when requested to support communication and skill development
education regarding distress tolerance, coping and managing dysregulated behaviours
information sharing and consultation for parents and school personnel regarding community resources and programs for both child and adult
Involves of a number of organizations including:
Vanier Children's Services
London District Catholic School Board
Thames Valley District School Board
Conseil scolaire Viamonde
Conseil scolaire catholique Providence
Wellkin (formerly known as OECYC - Elgin Child and Youth Centre)
Qui sommes-nous ?
SCIP is a program within Madame Vanier Children's Mental Wellness in London-Middlesex. Referrals are initiated through elementary schools for children in grades 1 - 5.
Dernière mise à jour: Mar 13, 2025: Suggérer une modification