Family Info Logo

London Multiple Births Association


Procédé et formulaires

Email or website

Admissibilité / population desservie

Parents of multiple birth children


Membership fees

Cadres supérieurs

Jacqueline Rayment - President



Zone(s) desservie(s)

London, Middlesex, Elgin and Oxford

Description des services:

Friendship, sharing and moral support for parents of multiples * warm line and one-to-one informal advice * support meetings for expectant and new parents, with guest speakers on occasion * family events and parents events * discount list * library resources

Authorized chapter of Multiple Births Canada

Qui sommes-nous ?

The London Multiple Births Association (LMBA) is a social support network for families in London, Ontario and surrounding areas.

Dernière mise à jour: Jan 28, 2025: Suggérer une modification