Procédé et formulaires
Call, meet with counsellor, or visit website
Admissibilité / population desservie
Recipients may qualify for one or more treatment options if they are in receipt of a disability benefit, or in receipt of the Veterans Independence Program, or in receipt of financial assistance through the Long Term Care program, or in receipt of the War Veterans Allowance
English ; French
Notes sur la langue
French publications and website * French through the national toll-free number
Zone(s) desservie(s)
London, Elgin County, Grey County, Huron County, Middlesex County, Oxford County, and Perth County

Accessible en fauteuil roulant
Description des services:
Financial assistance for qualified veterans for health care
services and benefits * available through VACs 14 programs * may also
reimburse travel expenses incurred when travelling to receive treatment
benefits and services
Benefits may include: medical, surgical
and dental care, prosthetic devices, medical equipment and home
adaptations, supplementary benefits and prescription drugs