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Hearing Care Counselling

301 Oxford St W, Unit 4
London, ON
N6H 1S6
Numéro sans frais: 1-866-518-0000
iconPath Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

Procédé et formulaires

Call or email for appointment

Admissibilité / population desservie

People with hearing loss * priority is given to adults 55 years and older


Free counselling services * fee for devices


English ; French ; American Sign Language (ASL)

Notes sur la langue

French programs, publications, and website * French interpretation available upon request

Zone(s) desservie(s)

London, Middlesex, Elgin, Huron, Oxford, Perth


W_wheelchair.gif Accessible en fauteuil roulant

Description des services:

Services include assessment and support for seniors with hearing loss * the goal is to develop, maintain, or augment sensory capacity to promote maximum independence * the Hearing Care Counsellor Program assists seniors with hearing loss * counsellors conduct home visits (or virtual visits), provide education, demonstrate and recommend communication devices, facilitate hard of hearing support groups and teach hearing help classes, and workshops * Hearing Care Counselling also provides in-service training to supportive housing, retirement homes and long-term care facilities
Dernière mise à jour: Sep 20, 2023: Suggérer une modification