Family Info Logo

Community Mental Health Programs

797 York St, Unit 4
London, ON
N5W 6A8
Télécopie: 519-434-1956
iconPath Administration: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm

Admissibilité / population desservie

People with a mental health and/or addiction issue * people experiencing homelesness or at risk of homelessness

Cadres supérieurs

Lisa Misselbrook - Director of Addiction and Mental Health
Brianne Demers - Interim Program Supervisor


English ; French

Notes sur la langue

Interpretation available upon request

Zone(s) desservie(s)



W_wheelchair.gif Accessible en fauteuil roulant

Description des services:

Community-based supports and services for people experience mental health and/or addiction issues * outreach and intervention for people experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness
  • Resource Centre Multipurpose room with access to a telephone and computers, as well as vocational, social, leisure and educational programming * access to individual function assessments, addiction assessments and referrals to appropriate treatment centres
  • Streetscape Crisis outreach services for community mental health program participants * worker assigned support includes court diversion program, housing advocacy and assistance with income services * team helps navigate and access other social services and food services agencies, and community resources
  • Transitional Case Managers (Outreach) Team of case managers providing transitional assistance and support to those who are leaving hospital and coping with mental illness * case managers maintain ongoing contact with clients after hospital discharge for up to nine weeks

Qui sommes-nous ?

We are a social service agency serving London and area since 1951 with a mission to respond to people experiencing need, affirm human dignity and inspire hope.

Dernière mise à jour: Jan 7, 2025: Suggérer une modification