Family Info Logo

Wilkins Pharmacy

699 Wilkins St, Unit 5
London, ON
N6C 5C8
iconPath Mon-Fri 9am-7pm * Sat 10am-3pm


Dispensing fee plus medication costs * prescribed medications may be covered by OHIP


English ; Arabic ; Hindi

Area Served

London (South)

Description of Services

General pharmacy
  • medication placed in pill organizers (containers for storing scheduled doses) at no extra cost
  • free delivery for prescriptions
  • free seasonal flu vaccines by appointment
  • treatment and prescription of medications for common medical ailments, including rashes, pink eye, insect bites, acne, and urinary tract infections

Medications Return Program - Safe disposal of expired or unused medications, creams, and inhalers

MedsCheck - Appointments to review complex prescriptions with a pharmacist

MedsCheck at Home - Appointments in the patient's home to review complex prescriptions with a pharmacist

Pharmacy Smoking Cessation Program - Help to quit smoking, available for Ontario Drug Benefit recipients

Sharps Disposal Program - Safe disposal of syringes, pen needles, lancets, insulin pump infusion supplies, and test strips
Last Updated: Feb 11, 2025: Suggest an edit